Tradition states that I provide a summary of my banjo and fiddle playing over the past year. Give you a glimpse at how I did regarding my goals . What I learned. The things I did. The places I went. You know, the normal stuff. In a year that saw the worst global pandemic in more than a century, there's not much to say about the places I went. My goals went out the window. I changed course on what I had planned to learn . Nothing was normal. This year has been a rollercoaster. My motivation has risen and fallen on a week to week basis. Mostly, my aim has been to keep my daily streak going and just get to the end of the year. Goals be damned. Fourth Quarter Review While I'm recapping 2020, this post also serves as my final quarterly report. Here are my previous 2020 quarterly reports: First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter The fourth quarter was highlighted by a virtual fiddle lesson with Michael Ismerio (not to be confused with the workshop I attended earlier...
How to learn to stop worrying and love the twang. A journey into old-time music.